Bí Quyết Chống Ngực Chảy Xệ Hiệu Quả Cho Các Nàng

<tc>Most Effective Tips And Exercises For Anti-Sagging Breasts</tc>

A round breast is always the wish of every woman, this is the beauty standard of most people. However, no one can escape the natural impact of gravity, age and sometimes lifestyle leading to sagging and loss of elasticity.

In this article, Rung Rung will accompany you to answer questions and provide more knowledge about breasts: What is sagging breasts? Causes, solutions, breast firming exercises, and the most frequently asked questions like "If your boyfriend squeezes your chest a lot, will it sag"!


Thế nào là ngực chảy xệ? Nguyên nhân, các giải pháp, bài tập ngực săn chắc cùng những câu hỏi thường gặp nhất như việc “Bạn trai bóp ngực nhiều thì có xệ không” nhé!


What are saggy breasts?

Breast sagging, also known as ptosis in medical terminology, is a common concern of all women, occurring when the breasts lose firmness, show signs of aging, and the breasts no longer appear. tense and has the phenomenon of sagging downwards.

Sagging breasts have many different degrees or degrees of sagging, from mild to severe, and can be divided into the following types: Firm, non-sagging breasts: The nipples are located above the fold under the breast.

Level 1 sagging: Nipples are horizontal to the inframammary fold. Sagging at this level is often not obvious when the woman is standing or wearing underwear.

Level 2 sagging: The nipple is below the inframammary fold. At this level, sagging becomes more pronounced. Breasts begin to lose firmness and shape.

Level 3 sagging: The nipple is located at the lowest point of the breast. At this level, the breasts sag severely.

Level 4 sagging: Breasts droop or pull down, nipples point downward. This is the most serious level.


Ngực chảy xệ có nhiều mức độ hoặc mức độ sa trễ khác nhau, từ nhẹ đến nặng, có thể chia thành các loại sau: Ngực săn chắc, không chảy xệ: Núm vú nằm phía trên nếp gấp dưới vú.


Sagging breasts can come from the following causes:

  1. Age: A natural factor that cannot be changed. As you get older, your skin loses its elasticity (including the skin around your breasts). The connective tissue that is the bridge that pulls the breasts round also gradually stretches, causing the breasts to sag and gradually fall down. Say goodbye to the effects of gravity.

  2. Changes in body weight: If you experience sudden changes in body weight such as rapid weight gain or excessive weight loss, it can affect the elasticity of the skin and leading to sagging breasts.

  3. Smoking is also a contributing factor, as it speeds up the aging process and reduces collagen production, affecting overall skin elasticity — including the breasts.

  4. Genetics may also be a contributing factor to breast discharge. Some people may have genetic factors that cause their skin to be less elastic or have weaker connective tissue structures.

  5. Wearing a bra that is too tight or too loose, not suitable for the size is also one of the causes of sagging

  6. Strong impact and violent massage cause damage to breast tissue, causing the breast to lose its original shape.

  7. Exercising intensely but not wearing properly sized, supportive bras. This leads to damage to connective tissues. Especially in exercises like jumping rope, jogging, etc. cause a lot of damage to the chest.


Ngực chảy xệ do tuổi tác, trọng lực, mặc áo ngực không đúng cách, hút thuốc, tập thể dục,...


Measures to fix sagging breasts

Maintaining a firm breast shape is important for many women. Although sagging is a natural part of the aging process, you can take steps to slow it down. Here are some suggested Vibration tips:

  1. Using a bra: Investing in bras that fit well and hug your bust properly is extremely important. A bra that fits properly will reduce pressure on breast tissue, preventing sagging over time.

  2. Moisturize regularly: Maintaining moisturized skin can improve its elasticity and overall appearance. Use creams containing ingredients such as collagen, elastin and vitamin E to nourish the skin around the breasts.

  3. Maintain a healthy weight: Weight changes can stretch breast tissue and lose elasticity, leading to sagging. Maintain a stable weight through scientific eating habits and regular exercise.

  4. Exercise regularly: Add exercises that target your chest muscles to your exercise regimen. Weight lifting, chest thrusts and chest presses are effective exercises that help strengthen the pectoral muscles that support the chest.

  5. Protect your skin from the effects of UV rays: Exposure to UV rays can accelerate skin aging and contribute to sagging over time. Please use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher!

  6. Consider medical interventions and surgery such as: breast augmentation surgery by placing implants, autologous fat grafting, etc.Remember that each person's body is unique, so results may vary depending on genetics and lifestyle factors as you try to stop sagging naturally.


Các biện pháp khắc phục ngực chảy xệ


Frequently asked questions  

1. Does massaging your breasts cause breast bleeding?

Massaging the breasts is one of the effective methods to help blood circulate, contributing to reducing the risk of breast disease. However, if massaged vigorously, there is a risk of SAGING, causing damage to the breast tissue, causing the breast to lose its original shape

2. Does not wearing a bra have any effects?

Not wearing a bra can easily cause sagging breasts. The reason is that the larger the breast size, the heavier the weight will be, causing pressure on the glandular tissue above the chest. Do small breasts flow? The truth is, big or small breasts will still sag over time as usual. The thing is, small breasts are harder to see because they have less glandular tissue and fatty tissue.

3. Does breastfeeding your baby/partner cause your breasts to sag?

For nursing mothers, the breasts are heavy due to a lot of milk, constantly stretched and the ligaments are stretched. If the mother does not take careful care during this time, her breasts will easily become loose and saggy after weaning.

For partners/husbands/lovers: Sucking, biting, or pulling on one side for a long time will cause imbalance. The advice is to bus both sides equally. And just be gentle!


Cơ thể của mỗi người đều đặc biệt và duy nhất. Không có khái niệm hay hình dạng lý tưởng nào cho “vòng 1” cả. Các bạn nữ hãy cảm thấy tự tin và yêu thương lấy bản thân và cơ thể của mình nha.


Each person's body is special and unique. There is no concept or ideal shape for "round 1". Ladies, please feel confident and love yourself and your body.

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