Vượt “Đèn Đỏ”: Bạn Muốn Quan Hệ Tình Dục Ngày Kinh Nguyệt?

<tc>Overcoming The "Red Light": Do You Want to Have Sex During Your Period?</tc>

The days of "strawberry shedding" are coming again. While some women feel tired, have stomachaches, dizziness, etc. The rest feel more excited, more desirable, and often "climax" when having sex on these days. Is this unusual and dangerous?

In this blog post, Rung Rung will answer everything about "running the red light", helping you have a more general view of "love" on these special days!


Chuỗi ngày “rụng dâu” lại đến. Trong khi có một số bạn nữ cảm thấy mệt mỏi, đau bụng, chóng mặt,... thì số còn lại cảm thấy hưng phấn, ham muốn hơn, và thường “lên đỉnh” khi quan hệ tình dục vào những ngày này. Liệu điều này có bất thường và nguy hiểm không? Trong bài blog này, Rung Rung sẽ giải đáp tất tần tật về chuyện “vượt đèn đỏ”, giúp các bạn có một cái nhìn tổng quát hơn về chuyện “yêu” trong những ngày đặc biệt này nhé!

What is “red light running”?

Not a term in the traffic code, "running a red light" here means the act of having sex during the menstrual cycle.

Wait, before you make judgments or "eww" expressions, let Rung Vinh give you some benefits of this seemingly dangerous and unhygienic practice!


Benefits of having sex during menstruation

1.Improve pain

A common phenomenon during the days of "strawberry loss" with the level of pain being different for each woman. Having sex at this time will help a woman's body secrete the hormone Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. Helps women reduce stress, anxiety and, more specifically, significantly reduce pain.

After "climax", a woman's body secretes more Endorphins, which help reduce pain and increase pleasure, leading to an increased feeling of happiness.

In general, "running the red light" brings many significant benefits, making strawberry loss easier and cuter. Causes stomach cramps, back pain, dizziness, bloating, etc. somewhat comfortable.


Nhìn chung, việc “vượt đèn đỏ” mang lại nhiều lợi ích đáng kể khiến việc rụng dâu trở nên nhẹ nhàng và dễ thương hơn. Khiến những cơn đau thắt bụng, đau lưng, chóng mặt, đầy hơi,... phần nào dễ chịu.

2. Easier to climax
Menstrual blood is also known as a natural lubricant for the body. According to Sexual Health expert Julie Bowring, “One of the main reasons people enjoy having sex every day is because of this natural lubricant. This is especially true for women whose vaginas are relatively dry."
Máu trong ngày kinh nguyệt còn được biết đến như một chất bôi trơn tự nhiên cho cơ thể. Theo chuyên gia về Sức khỏe tình dục Julie Bowring “Một trong những lý do chính khiến mọi người cảm thấy thích thú với việc have sex ngày dâu chính là vì chất bôi trơn tự nhiên này. Điều này đặc biệt đúng với những bạn nữ có âm đạo tương đối khô hạn”.

Curing dryness: How to make your girl "wetter" during sex

In addition, when shedding, a woman's pelvis and vagina will somewhat expand, making it easier for her to climax than at other times of the month.


3. Fetish, fantasy, and spices of love

“A sword is not afraid to be stained with blood” Sexual activity during the days when the aunt visits can help strengthen love and relationships. At the same time, it helps women discover themselves, helping couples satisfy each other's private fetishes or fantasies.

How to open up your sexual fantasies to your partner


In addition to the benefits that "running red lights" brings, there are risks that you need to consider.

  1. Risk of vaginal infections:During menstruation, the cervix dilates more, creating easier conditions for bacteria and viruses to penetrate, thereby increasing the risk Vaginal infections and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  2. Risk of transmitting HIV and STIs: Menstrual blood can contain HIV virus and other viruses that cause STIs. If a female is infected, the percentage of her partner who is also infected is very high.
  3. Unhygienic: The reason most people do not choose to have sex during this time is because of hygiene issues. Although menstrual blood can act as a natural lubricant, its taste and color may not be very "cute" for some of you. (Fun fact: menstrual blood is also called Cherry Lube, sounds cute)
  4. There is still a risk of pregnancy: People often think that "running a red light" is 100% safe, but that is a harmful misunderstanding! Although the possibility of conceiving is lower, it is not impossible.


Trong thời kỳ kinh nguyệt, cổ tử cung giãn mở hơn, tạo điều kiện dễ dàng hơn cho vi khuẩn và virus xâm nhập, từ đó tăng nguy cơ nhiễm trùng âm đạo và bệnh lây truyền qua đường tình dục


“Hmm, but I still don't like doing it when I'm on my period, because it feels unclean, the bed sheets are dirty, and my stomach hurts.”

This is completely normal! No one can force you to have sex when you don't want to. But if you want to "try it once", don't skip the section below to have a smooth experience!


Tips for "running red lights"

1. Prepare

Marching on special days requires special preparation. To avoid getting dirty on the bed or mattress, put a large towel underneath for easy cleaning. Rung Rung suggests you can work in the bathroom, then shower each other after work, which is both romantic and clean.

2. Prevent the “flood”

A tip to make oral sex smoother is that women can use a menstrual cup or tampon to stop the "cherry" flow. Stimulating the clitoris (also known as clitoris or clitoris) is also a great oral sex method for women to reach climax without having to have penetrative sex.

3. Protect

Always remember that the infection rate of sexual diseases when "running the red light" is extremely high, the vagina during this time is also especially sensitive than usual. Rung Rung recommends that you use condoms, wash your hands and sextoys thoroughly to protect yourself from the risk of infection!


“Vượt đèn đỏ” vẫn là một chủ đề gây tranh cãi với số người thích người ghét thay đổi theo nhiều góc nhìn cá nhân. Đây có thể là vị cứu tinh cho những cơn đau kinh nguyệt hiệu quả mà không lạm dụng thuốc, nhưng cũng có thể là kẻ thù của âm đạo và sức khỏe tình dục nếu không được thực hiện đúng. Hãy trang bị cho bản thân đủ kiến thức để “nhuốm máu” an toàn và vui vẻ nhé!



“Red light running” is still a controversial topic with the number of people who like it and hate it varying according to many personal perspectives. This can be a savior for effective menstrual pain without overusing drugs, but can also be an enemy of vaginal and sexual health if not done correctly. Equip yourself with enough knowledge to "get down and dirty" safely and happily!

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